รศ.ดร. จักรพงษ์ จารุมิศร์


♦Research Fields

  • Energy conversion, Power electronics and Electric drives.

♦International Journals

  • V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Modulating Functions of Space Vector PWM for Three-Leg VSI-Fed Unbalanced Two-Phase Induction Motors, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1135-1139, April 2009.
  • V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Discontinuous SVPWM Techniques of Three-Leg VSI-Fed Balanced Two-Phase Loads for Reduced Switching Losses and Current Ripple”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 2191-2204 April 2015.
  • S. Tunyasrirut, C. Charumit, “Grid Connected based PWM Converter Applied a Self-excited Induction Generator for Wind Turbine Applications”, Energy Procedia, Vol. 9, pp. 128-139, 2011.
  • V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Carrier-based unbalanced phase voltage space vector PWM strategy for asymmetrical parameter type two-phase induction motor drives”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 79, Issue 7, pp. 1127-1135 July 2009.
  • V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Realization of a Carrier-Based Unbalanced Output Space Vector PWM Strategy Using Analogue and Digital Techniques for Three-Leg Voltage Source Inverter Fed Two-Phase Induction Motors”, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 129, Issue 6, pp. 636-648 June 2009.

♦National Journals

  • None

♦Proceeding of International Conference

  • Muangthong and C. Charumit. (2021). “Comparative analysis of switching losses and current ripple of continuous and discontinuous SVPWM strategies for unbalanced two‐phase four‐leg VSI Fed unsymmetrical two‐phase induction motor,” IET Power electronics.
  • Sirikan and C. Charumit. (2020). “Implementation of indirect rotor field oriented control for three phase induction motor drive based on TMS320F28335 DSP,” PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R.96 NR9.
  • Muangthong and C. Charumit. (2019). “Realization of a Carrier-based Discontinuous SVPWM Technique for Two-Phase Four-Leg Voltage Source Inverter,” PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, 5 August 2019.
  • P. Sakda, V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Control of a 3-phase 4 wire grid connected converter with active power filter and var compensation functionality for nonlinear loads”, Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, pp.3234-3239 , October 2014.
  • P. Sakda, V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Control of a 3-phase 4 wire grid connected converter with active power filter and var compensation functionality for nonlinear loads”, Proceeding of International Conference on Power & Energy, pp.412-417 , December 2012.
  • P. Wekin, P. Hothongkham, C. Charumit, V. Kinnare, “Simple speed control of an asymmetrical type two-phase induction motor drive”, Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, pp. 1607-1612,Chiangmai Thailand, May 2010.
  • V. Kinnares, C. Charumit, “Analogue space vector modulator for two-phase loads using a three-leg voltage source inverter”, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimectics, pp. 1607-1612,Bangkok Thailand, Febuary 2009.

♦Proceeding of National Conference

  • None

♦Digital Research Database